A crazy archaeological story


Social Sciences

Arnaud Pizzuti

Gabrielle Lavoir


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

112 pages
Format 190 x 250 mm

Discovering Troie

Heinrich Schliemann’s story begins in 1822 in Ankershagen, a small village in north-eastern Germany. A passionate reader of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and a polyglot (he speaks 11 languages), young Heinrich dreams of discovering the ruins of Troy, the mythical city destroyed by the Greeks. After many adventures, and with the poet Homer as his only guide, he finally realises his dream, his discovery marking a turning point in the history of archaeology.

Arnaud Pizzuti

Arnaud Pizzuti runs a blog (etaletaculture.fr) and a Facebook account with 62200 subscribers. He is also the author of 52 stories of Greek mythology and 365 infos de culture générale, published by 365.

Gabrielle Lavoir

Illustrator. Published by Flammarion Jeunesse: Du côté de l'Olympe : un précis de mythologie savamment déjéanté avec Denis Lindon
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger