Your Orgasmic Pregnancy




Danielle Cavallucci

Hunter House

Language of origin

Little Sex Secrets Every Hot Mama Should Know

Thankfully, pregnant women no longer have to disguise their condition or confine themselves to the home. They’re free to do other things–like enjoy an active sex life. This no-nonsense guide helps mothers-to-be maintain intimacy through all three trimesters and beyond. Using the real-life experience of one author and the professional expertise of the other, it covers a wide range of issues regarding sex and pregnancy, including the unanswered, difficult, and taboo questions and topics most people are afraid to address. It also helps partners develop new ways of communicating that help pregnant women relish life’s deepest expression of sexual union. With warmth and encouragement, it prepares women for the sexual challenges and joys of pregnancy and motherhood, giving them confidence and the tools they need to enjoy it all with verve, humor, grace, and joy.

Danielle Cavallucci

Danielle began her foray into the world of pregnancy and birth with the pregnancy of her son Brando in 2004. Via Sensual Fusion, the sensual vitality and relationship coaching business she founded with Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, she published Your Orgasmic Pregnancy: Little Sex Secrets Hot Mamas Should Know to help women everywhere feel happy, healthy and sexy during pregnancy. Since then, she has been an advocate for empowering women to have the births and sensual lives they deserve via Huffington Post, ABC television, Fit Pregnancy, Esquire, Cosmopolitan and other media outlets. A certified Birth Mentor and Pregnancy Fitness Specialist, her work led her to Sacred Pregnancy Certification. Anni's method of delving even deeper to help restore mamas to their essential, elemental power and to restore honor and beauty to the birth process sung to her soul. She is a Reiki Master, Social Media Maven, Intuitive Coach and Workshop Leader in Laguna Beach, CA helping others find the sacred flow in their lives, and is thrilled to be part of the Sacred Pregnancy Movement.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger