Why the playstation generation has crooked teeth



Renzo Ovidi

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

pp. 160
15×21 cm
black and white with drawings


The dentosophie approach is used to address disharmonies of the mouth by working on the link between teeth, posture and psyche.

This book questions why so many children and adolescents today have crooked teeth and have to resort to metal braces or other dental treatment.

Dr Ovidi clearly describes both the theoretical assumptions of dentosophie and the practical applications of its main therapeutic tool, the multifunctional activator, a simple rubber appliance, now also available in silicone, capable of rebalancing mouth and posture.

Suitable for all ages, dentosophie is particularly useful in the case of children and adolescents. It can solve orthodontic, postural and functional problems, such as correct tongue position and proper nasal breathing, without having to resort to traditional treatments, which are often invasive and not always effective.

Renzo Ovidi

Dr Ovidi is a dentist. After practising traditional dentistry for years, he changed his medical approach thanks to his encounter with homeopathy and anthroposophy. Following the teachings of Michel Montaud and Rodrigue Mathieu, he started to study dentosophie and has now been treating patients exclusively with this approach for years. He is co-founder and president of the Italian Dentosophie Association (AID) and lectures on the MA course in dentosophie at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger