Whispers of Darkness


Tarots & Oracles

Marie Bouteau

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

160 pages
12.5 x 17 cm


The divinatory oracle to illuminate one’s dark side

You are entering a world full of history and mythological power. Ancient gods, primordial goddesses, legendary and dark figures… Listen to the whis- pers of these glorious entities to hear their warnings as well as their lumi- nous hopes. Each card presents a poem inspired by a legendary entity and a description of the different possible messages, as well as a set of keywords to guide your interpretation. Follow your sensitivity to listen to these voices from afar. May they reach you and deliver their messages to you too!

Marie Bouteau

Marie Bouteau is a fortune teller and medium. @oracles_lily on Instagram.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger