Heal your children efficiently and safely with essential oils and hydrosols



Virginie Brevard

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Infos :

288 pages

Used properly, aromatherapy has many advantages for babies and children: rapid action, pleasant smells, parent-child interaction through massage, the benefits of bathing, strengthening the immune system, etc… Children love it!

The selection of essential oils here is deliberately limited to 17 essential oils, to which Virginie Brevard combines 11 hydrolats and 8 vegetable oils, which will enable you to treat almost all daily ailments. You will therefore not find in this book certain essential oils that are sometimes recommended for children but which, in reality, can be dangerous, such as those of exotic basil, clove or sweet fennel. Lump, cold, fever, anger… For each disorder of everyday life, you will discover in this easy-to-access and easy-to-use book the synergy of essential oils to make and the dosage (massage, oral, gargle…).

Virginie Brevard

Virginie Brevard est docteur en pharmacie, aromathérapeute et olfactothérapeute. Elle s'est par ailleurs formée en homéopathie, phytothérapie et micronutrition. Elle est aujourd'hui installée à La Rochelle et a créé son entreprise de conseils et d'ateliers en aromathérapie

Agence Schweiger