The wonder approach
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Language of origin | |
Rights Sold | Catalan, Chinese (simplified), English (UK), French, French Canada, Italy, Korean, Portuguese (world) |
Infos : | 224 pages |
Children are growing up in an increasingly demanding and frenetic envi- ronment. In order to ensure their future success, parents find themselves obliged to fill their children’s agenda with endless activities that make their leisure time, spontaneous activities and experience of nature, beauty and silence disappear. Similarly, schools use every possible means to «motivate» and prevent children from becoming bored. Here Catherine L’Ecuyer takes the side of wonder, a fundamental, innate need that our times have lost sight of and which must be placed back at the heart of education, cultivating it rather than stifling it. With this book, she brings clarity, drawing attention to the findings of numerous studies in recent decades on the effects of the use of screens and over-stimulation of young children, and suggests spending time exploring the real world, in order to cultivate our children’s natural thirst for learning.