The Self-Love Oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Janet Chui

Beyond Words

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

112 pages
44 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4
Box Kit

No matter where you may be on your spiritual journey, the greatest lesson you may ever learn is how to love yourself, your gifts, and your challenges. The Self-Love Oracle will help you unlock the power to heal yourself, overcome your self-sabotaging habits, and create a mindful life. This gorgeous oracle is a guidebook and 44 cards, each bearing a different affirming and loving message. Featuring Janet Chui’s fantasy watercolor paintings paired with her advice for self-care, setting boundaries, and loving yourself, this deck will help you affirm your self-worth, purpose, and gifts. Visit

Janet Chui

Janet was born in Singapore, and since childhood, she found refuge and expression in drawing things both real and imagined. Despite a lack of encouragement around her, her tastes took a strong turn for the fantastic during her teens, leading her to literally hide her artwork and manuscripts in the closet. After graduating in 2000 with a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Kentucky, she attended the 2002 Clarion Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. (Some stories were dug out from their hiding places for her application.) In 2009, she became a Best Artist finalist for the World Fantasy Award. Janet’s experiences include working in bookstores, as an editor (at a translation company and her own small press), in online publishing (at a niche dot com in the US “adult entertainment” industry), and as a history guide in Singapore. Since becoming a mum, Janet has been more inclined to embrace her unusual creative gifts. She enjoys painting, writing, speaking, teaching, and weird conversations. After a few years of Buddhist meditation, Janet found herself literally awakened by a visitation in 2011, and hasn’t emerged from the rabbit hole since. Her interests include art, history, environmentalism, socio-economics, politics, and metaphysics. Janet lives in Singapore with her father and a rambunctious daughter who likes helping.

Agence Schweiger