The Pocket Atlas of Trigger Points



Simeon Niel-Asher


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Page Count: 208
Trim Size: 4-1/2 x 7-1/10

A User-Friendly Guide to Muscle Anatomy, Pain Patterns, and the Myofascial Network for Students, Practitioners, and Patients

A simple, go-to guide to treating chronic pain with trigger point therapy for physical therapists, bodyworkers, and patients

From the bestselling author of The Concise Book of Trigger Points

This pocket-sized guide covers practical information about the trigger points—the painful knots that
can form in tissues like muscles and fascia—that are central to addressing chronic pain with massage, bodywork, and physical therapy Full-color illustrations and charts help practitioners, students, and patients identify trigger points and address referred pain patterns with ease

The first chapter introduces relevant information on fascia and myofascial meridians and provides an overview of trigger point symptoms, classification, and formation Subsequent chapters are organized by muscle group and feature concise—yet comprehensive—sections on each of the main skeletal muscles and their trigger points Conditions that commonly occur in the general population, such as headaches and back pain, are explored for all of the muscle groups, including the muscles of the:

• Face, head, and neck • Trunk and spine
• Shoulder and arm
• Forearm and hand

• Hip and thigh • Leg and foot

Written in clear, accessible language, this go-to guide offers a wealth of knowledge to the lay reader, the student, or the practitioner

FOR BODYWORK PROFESSIONALS, STUDENTS, AND PATIENTS: An accessible resource that is suitable for all, regardless of scientific background

GO-TO GUIDE: Compact, concise, and easy to reference on the go

UP-AND-COMING PAIN MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE: The demand for trigger point therapy is growing, and with it, the need for resources on the subject

EXPERT AUTHOR: Simeon Niel-Asher is the bestselling author of The Concise Book of Trigger Points. The Niel-Asher technique, his non-surgical approach to treating frozen shoulder syndrome, is practiced by over 80,000 practitioners worldwide

FULL-COLOR GRAPHICS: Concepts are clearly demonstrated through colorful illustrations, charts, and color-coded formatting

Simeon Niel-Asher

SIMEON NIEL-ASHER has studied and worked with trigger points since 1990, dedicating a large part of his career to scientific research, medical trials, and the exploration in the field of manual medicine In 1992, he received his BSc (Ost) from the British School of Osteopathy and has been named one of the top ten Osteopaths in London by the Evening Standard After inventing the Niel-Asher technique (TNAT) in 1997, he has taught courses on trigger point therapy throughout North and South America, Europe and the Middle East More than 80,000 practitioners use his ground-breaking non-surgical approach for treating frozen shoulder syndrome, TNAT, worldwide His other books include Treat Your Own Frozen Shoulder, which won him the 2006 CAM award for outstanding practice, and The Concise Book of Trigger Points (Third Edition), a bestseller for North Atlantic Books.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger