The oracle of the healing witch


Tarots & Oracles

Arthémise Rose

Stéphanie Gras

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

62 cards + 160-page booklet, 12.5 x 17 cm

Accept your dark side and step into the light

Witches use their art to heal our wounds, our traumas, our imbalances, our dark sides… They can use different tools or magical plants and mobilise different energies, and they always seek to put their healing powers at the service of others. You may be a wounded or even broken soul, or more simply someone looking for answers. In this oracle, immerse yourself in the universe into the dark yet light-filled world of the Healing Witch and discover the messages she has for you. Don’t remain in the shadows. It’s high time to move towards transformation, to reveal your shadows, to celebrate your strengths and weaknesses and move towards personal balance.

Arthémise Rose

Arthémise Rose has always had one great passion: reading. It was in novels that she met her first witches and then wanted to find out what witchcraft was like in our world. A few years ago, she decided to share her knowledge on @arthemiseandwitches

Stéphanie Gras

Stéphanie Gras, @lafantaisieholistic, has been drawing and practising the divinatory arts since childhood. Awakened at an early age to wellbeing and extrasensory perceptions, she was soon experimenting with mediumistic drawings
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger