The mystery of nagual


New Age / Esoterics

Luis Ansa

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Infos :

13.5 x 21
320 pages

After the initiatory adventures lived with the Toltec shaman Don Justino and his daughter Ines, told in “The Night of the Shamans”, Luis Ansa leaves for Mexico to continue discovering the powers of those called the Naguals, holders of the secrets of the ancient Mayan religion.
Shamans, men and women, teach him through many experiences, to channel his energies, to get rid of his fears, to recognize the numerous memories hidden in his body. Finally, the guardians of the Toltec tradition reveal the existence of the Sacred Wheel, a ritual from which he emerges transformed. Initiations to “live in an enlarged state of knowledge, united to the whole, a knowledge awakened in every cell”.

Luis Ansa

The author is the hero of Henri Gougaud's cult books, “Les Sept Plumes de l'aigle” (The Seven Feathers of the Eagle), + 100,000 copies sold, published by Le Seuil and “Le Secret de l'aigle”, published by Albin Michel. Luis Ansa has also published “Le Quatriè me Royaume” and “La Nuit des chamans”, as well as with Robert Eymeri: “Luis Ansa, la Voie du Sentir” (15,000 copies sold), published by Le Relié.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger