The incredible power of breathing




Stéphanie Brillant

Actes Sud

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

14 × 19 cm
256 pages

Take control of your life

What do men and women who climb the highest mountains without breathing equipment; people who suffer from depression yet who, after six weeks of intensive yoga, discover it gives them the same physiological effects as antidepressant drugs; Parkin- son’s patients who manage to control their trembling; dentists who never have to treat tooth decay; high level athletes who smash their own performance records; and asthmatics who finally manage to stop taking Ventolin have in common? They have all learned to master their breathing.

Breathing is an unconscious mechanism and, yet often, it is
not natural. We have unlearned how to breathe properly. Most of us breathe too much or badly, and this has repercussions on our bodies.

By learning to breathe correctly again, we can rid ourselves of our daily woes in several weeks. By learning to control our breath, our vital energy is restored enabling us to achieve more and deal with mood swings, depression, post-traumatic stress and the various pathologies that directly influence the body, because our breath is the language of our bodies.

Breathing is also an emotional language, a path to restoring calm and serenity whenever fear, sadness or anger stand in our way. The work is more than a mere presentation of the various powers of breathing but also a practical guide to improve our breathing. The approach will bring greater life-breath to our daily lives and offer greater physiological, psychological and spiritual support.


Stéphanie Brillant

A journalist, director, tv presenter, producer and public speaker, Stéphanie Brillant is also a mother of two children. Now living in the United States, she has devoted the past five years of her career to ideas for reforming education. She has produced a documentary film Le Cerveau des enfants. Un potentiel infini released in movie theaters in France in May 2017 and with Actes Sud has published Guide du cerveau pour parents éclairés (2019).

Agence Schweiger