The Great Secret


New Age / Esoterics


Jean-Pierre Jourdan

Éditions Michel Lafon

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

256 pages

What Near Death Experiences teach us about life.

Many books have been published on the subject of NDEs, confirming that many of the subjects have returned from the dead and that there is life after death. A great secret known to merely 4% of the population, it remains a taboo.

But what really matters is not simply whether or not the subjects have actually returned from the dead, it is how the experience has changed their life. They have lost all fear of death, having realised that life on earth is merely a parenthesis, an integral part of a much vaster canvas. They have found the true meaning of life: that the Love we give is all that matters.

In these troubled times, when everything familiar is crumbling, perhaps the people who have the most to teach us are those who have experienced the ultimate. They can tell us not only about death but about a new state of consciousness.

Dr Jean-Pierre Jourdan shines a light on this vast area of human and scientific research, clarifying the nature of these little understood experiences and according them the importance they deserve.

Jean-Pierre Jourdan

Jean-Pierre Jourdan is a medical doctor and president of the International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) in France. He has published numerous works on the subject, among them Deadline, dernière limite (2007), with an introduction by the renowned American psychiatrist, Ron Moody.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger