The Fullness of the Ground




Judith Blackstone

Sounds True

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Publication date

Infos :

176 pages
5.5 x 8.5 inches

A Guide to Embodied Awakening

An inviting guide to nondual awakening that is fully embodied, deeply connected, and available in every moment.

The Fullness of the Ground is a guide to embodied nondual realization and its profound effect on our senses, our ability to love, our experience of our own authentic existence, and our connection with other living beings. It distills Dr. Judith Blackstone’s decades of teaching into the essentials of the nondual spiritual path.

The first part of the book provides ways to make sense of the conflicting theories about nonduality available to spiritual seekers today. It describes the lived experience of nondual awakening as the uncovering of a subtle, fundamental consciousness that pervades our body and our environment. This provides the ground of our individual wholeness, the fullness of our embodied being, that coexists with our experience of unity with everything around us. The second part takes readers through the author’s signature path to nondual awakening, called the Realization Process®, providing effective practices for recognizing, embodying, and stabilizing in nondual realization. And the third part describes ways to bring this awareness into daily life and relationships. This book can help readers experience for themselves the essential oneness that underlies all life.

Trauma & the Unbound Body and Belonging Here have sold 25,000 copies and have been licensed in German (VAK & Arbor) and Spanish.

Judith Blackstone

Judith Blackstone, PhD, is a psychotherapist and innovative teacher in contemporary spirituality. She developed the Realization Process®, an embodied approach to personal and relational healing and nondual realization. She is the author of five books.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger