The female path to wild power


New Age / Esoterics


Luisa Francia


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

80 colour drawings
Pages: 160

2019 is a year of anniversaries for Luisa Francia. In August 2019 she celebrated her 70th birthday, for 20 years she has been keeping her internet diary, and her Goddess House in Portugal has been in existence for 10 years. In this book, Luisa Francia captures the essence of her unique life experiences. She knows what powers we need to cope well with everyday life in the age of digitalised lifestyles. Her instructions and exercises help to stay healthy, lively and cheeky.

Luisa Francia

Luisa Francia is a writer, artist, magic expert, she speaks five languages and has published over thirty books. She lived for many years in Africa, India, Nepal and Tibet, studied the magic of fetish and voodoo priestesses and wandered alone barefoot through the Himalayan mountains. She holds seminars and lectures and reports on her eventful life in her internet diary.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger