The Ethno Health Pharmacy



Ingfried Hobert

Svenja Zitzer

Vianova Verlag

Language of origin

Infos :

Softcover with flaps
320 pages
100 four-colour photos
2 graphics, 7 tables

What the ethnomedicine specialist Dr. Ingfried Hobert has summarised in this book over many years of work is truly unique: From the ‘natural treasure chest’ of our planet he has collected the traditional healing knowledge of peoples and cultures from all times and continents and examined it with the help of the most modern scientific methods and selected specialists according to today’s standards. The result is phenomenal: highly effective mixtures of medicinal plants and diverse recipes from the most diverse regions of the world that really help. A unique book of healing knowledge that can effectively support us in all areas of our lives in a completely natural way. These ingenious recipes strengthen the life forces, stimulate the self-healing processes, give healing, radiant health and transformation. Like the medicine chest, this book belongs in every household! The preface was written by Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke.

Ingfried Hobert

Ingfriend Hobert's fields are in integrative medicine, ethnomedicine, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Tibetan medicine. He has particular interest in research and therapeutic applications of Asiatic life philosophy and their concepts of healing. From this foundation he developed a concept of therapy, combining conventional medicine and Asiatic healing knowledge. He is founder of the Quality Circle of Ethnomedicine in the Lower Saxony Medical Association (Qualitätszirkel Ethnomedizin der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen) and has been leader of the Ethnomedical Academy for Visionary Medicine (Ethnomed Akademie für visionäre Medizin) since 2000.

Svenja Zitzer

Agence Schweiger