The Climate Friendly Cook Book




Garden & Nature

Boris Demrosvski

Christian Noll


Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

128 pages
37 coloured photographs
Brochure with flaps
21 x 21 cm

> Shop, cook and enjoy in a climate- friendly manner

> Recipes and current information about climate protection and sustainability

Cooking for climate protection. Very simple and simply necessary. The best ingredients for culinary climate protection are regional organic groce-
ries, few meat and milk products, and seasonal fruit and vegetables instead of imported ones and ready-to-eat products. The book shows in 55 re- cipes how you can manage this pleasurably.

Boris Demrosvski

Christian Noll

Christian Noll is co-initiator of the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF). (DENEFF).

Agence Schweiger