The Child Trauma



Hélène Romano


Language of origin

Infos :

208 pages
170 x 240 mm

Hélène Romano is, today, a part of a movement of practitioners’ research that explains that an event will have different effects depending on the age, the his- tory and especially the family and cultural context of the injured party. Drawing on her 20 years of in-the-field experience with emergency responders, this practitioner researcher presents a clear picture of what trauma- tised children are and how one can help them pick up the pieces of their lives. She gives a complete and open analysis of the changing picture as opposed to the sectarian spirit of some older publications. Moreover, Romano’s book is a pleasure to read, well illustrated with vignettes that make it easy to understand ideas that one thought abstract!

Hélène Romano

Hélène Romano is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist specialized in psychotraumatism. She co-ordinates the emergency medical-psychological cell of the Val de Marne and Professor Marty’s department at the CHU (Univer- sity Hospital Center) of Henri Mondor, Créteil. For many years, she has interve- ned and responded to traumatic events in schools and conducted educational sessions dealing with dangerous practices.

Agence Schweiger