The 13 moons oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Daisy Bodin

Julie Bodin

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

184 pages
39 cards

Encountering your Female Archetypes!

The wild woman within you only asks to live her soul power to the full. Using this oracle, you will discover the 13 universal feminine archetypes that lie dor- mant in every woman. Each month, a different intention or energy will bring to light your challenges or your wounds, in order to awaken the Priestess within you and bring creative magic into your life.

Daisy Bodin

Daisy Bodin is a dietetician, a lecturer and an energetician.

Julie Bodin

Julie Bodin used to work as a product manager, she now leads meditation workshops.

Agence Schweiger