Stop being invaded!



Anne-Isabelle Quelderie

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

192 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm

Knowing and defending your personal territory for greater self-respect.

The keys to defining your personal boundaries more clearly, so you don’t let people walk all over you! This book is for the good guys of this world, who are all too often mistreated. In six chapters, we discover the adventures of different characters, to understand the mechanisms they fall victim to and the solutions they offer. The aim is to take us on a journey to conquer our own territory and live the peaceful life to which we are entitled. We get to know it, nurture it and put down roots. We train ourselves to detect intruders in order to better protect it, and we defend it. We work to repair it and, finally, we venture into unknown and often feared territory, because it’s by taming that which frightens us that we can relax and live better.

Anne-Isabelle Quelderie

A former teacher, Anne-Isabelle Quelderie is now a therapist and so- phrologist specialising in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger