Sewn Hats



Carla Hegeman Crim


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35 hat patterns for every age, gender, and fashion sense

Sewn Hats is a collaboration of hat designs from 29 of the industry’s most-loved fabric designers, pattern designers, and bloggers. The collection features a variety of hat patterns for all genders, sizes, ages, and fashion sense. Seamstresses will find options in a vast array of styles that use a wide variety of fabric types, from felt to silk, corduroy to cotton, and everything in between.

Beautiful photography, inspiring writing, precise instructions, adaptable patterns, and a vast array of styles and sizes all combine to equal a collection of sewn hat patterns like no other.

Hat patterns for all genders, sizes, ages, and styles
Hats for any occasion, from work to play, casual to formal
Diagrams, precise assembly instructions, and schematic illustrations to ease completion of each project
Ideas and inspiration for all ages and skill levels, and instructions on how to adapt each hat pattern by varying fabrics and embellishments
Full patterns conveniently located online, so you can print them when you need them and you never have to worry about losing them

Expertly edited by top designer Carla Hegeman Crim, the designer and blogger behind The Scientific Seamstress, Sewn Hats is sure to offer inspiration for all home seamstresses. Contributors include:

Patty Young (MODKID Designs)
Kaari Meng (French General)
Joanna Figueroa (Fig Tree & Co.)
Kathy Mack (Pink Chalk Studio)
Dolin O’Shea (Lulu Bliss)
Lisa Carroccio (Domestic Diva’s Disasters)
Alexia Marcelle Abegg (Green Bee Patterns)
Heather Niziolek (Goosie Girl)
Melissa Stramel (Lilac Lane)
Jaime Morrison Curtis and Jacinda Boneau (Prudent Baby)
Karen LePage (One Girl Circus)
Jennifer Hagedorn (Tie Dye Diva Designs)
Shelly Figueroa (Figgy’s Patterns)
Bonnie Shaffer (Hats with a Past)
Jessica Christian (Craftiness is Not Optional)
Bari J. Ackerman (Bari J.)
Mary Abreu (Confessions of a Craft Addict)
Jennifer Paganelli (Sis Boom)
Irene Rodegerdts (Mushroom Villagers)
Anneliese S. (Aesthetic Nest)
Linda and Scott Hansen (Miss Mabel Studio and Blue Nickel Studios)
Betz White (
Kim Christopherson (
Melissa Averinos (
Val Pillow & Anne Maxfield (Pillow & Maxfield)

Carla Hegeman Crim

Carla Hegeman Crim, founder of Scientific Seamstress LLC, is a molecular biologist turned patternmaker. She has a B.S. in biology from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Ph.D. in plant physiology from Virginia Tech and was a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University. She is a self-taught seamstress who has been experimenting with fabric for more than 30 years. The Scientific Seamstress blog and pattern series are well known for their complete, easy-to-follow instructions and detailed illustrations. When her son came along, she decided to stay home with him and build a business out of sewing. For the first few years, she focused on elaborate clothing designs for dolls and children. She had many requests for her patterns and began publishing them in 2006. Carla also collaborates with popular fabric designer Jennifer Paganelli on a series of Sis Boom patterns for children and adults. Her first book, Sewn Hats, was published in 2013. When she isn’t in her sewing lab, Carla enjoys gardening, yoga, and spending time with her family.

Agence Schweiger