Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle


Tarots & Oracles


Beyond Words

Language of origin

Publication date

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Infos :

160 pages
44 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4
Box Kit

Quantum artist LON has created 44 Activations that encourage readers’ analytical minds to step aside so they can enter the domain of the subconscious and the soul, and connect to the quantum field—the space of infinite potential. Working with these cards on
a daily basis will help you to think outside the box, create a deeper sense of peace in your life, and become a powerful conscious creator. Visit


LON was born and raised in Holland, where she attended art school and worked in the advertising and graphic-arts industry. She now lives in San Diego, California and creates sacred geometry art images that are visual meditation tools, or Activations, that help people to navigate these changing times. She offers lectures and workshops and intuitive counseling to support a new way of thinking to activate people toward becoming fully multidimensional human beings. She is the author and artist of the 2016 Nautilus Award winnerSacred Geometry Activations Oracledeck, which has currently sold over 12,000 copies to date and is available on all smartphones as an app by Indie Goes.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger