Russian healing knowledge




Tamara Lebedewa

Driediger Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Copies sold

Infos :

250 pages

Recipes of Survival. Treating and curing cancer and other chronic diseases


The usual cancer therapies are aimed at destroying the tumor, which is located in a specific organ. Lebedeva points out that this one-sided treatment is counterproductive: the cancer cells are driven away from their place by the radiation, but they are not dead. On the contrary, they become more aggressive. They continue to migrate through the lymph and blood and spread throughout the body. The doctor says: they form metastases. As the immune system is weakened by stressful treatment, these harmful cells can spread all the more. However, this can be avoided, says Lebedeva, if the treatment is holistic. One important fact must not be ignored: only the body’s own immune system can track down and destroy cancer cells everywhere, in every organ, no matter how remote. Under no circumstances should the immune system be weakened in the case of cancer and other serious illnesses – as is the case with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, for example. In collaboration with two practicing doctors, the author presents methods that strengthen the self-healing powers and weaken the diseased cells. The long-awaited guide is now finally available in German!

Tamara Lebedewa

Tamara Lebedewa (actually Tamara Yakovlevna Svishcheva, Russian: Тамара Яковлевна Свищева), born 1938 in Krasnoyarsk, USSR) is a Russian chemist and author. She has worked in various government research institutions in Russia and holds several patents. Reachable via Driediger Verlag The author has published more than 20 books in Russia. Of these, a total of more than 500,000 copies have been sold so far. In Germany, two of these titles have already been published in the 10th edition. They were only sold through direct marketing until the end of 2017, mainly via press articles, leaflets, brochures to customers and book catalogs.

Agence Schweiger