Oracle of the Celestial Deities


Tarots & Oracles

Letao Wang

Beyond Words

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

160 pgs
20 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4 Box Kit

From professional astrologist, tarot specialist, and counselor of the Healing Kingdom, Letao Wang, Oracle of the Celestial Deities is a set of 20 cards depicting mythical deities derived from astrology, astronomy, and ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Designed in a gorgeous art nouveau style, this oracle deck can connect us with our higher selves and assist us in understanding the important lessons of life that are echoed in the ancient myths of old. Interpretations of the cards include a generalized reading as well as career and love readings for more specified questions. For more information on the author, visit

Letao Wang

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger