Intuitive Life-Coaching Oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Kelly T. Smith

Beyond Words

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Infos :

208 pages
77 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4
Box Kit

Intuitive Life-Coaching Oracle offers you guidance for any daily issue or emotional challenge you may face. Once you have identified your emotional challenges and brought them into your awareness, you are free to make new choices and to live a life that you de- sign consciously—instead of one you unconsciously accept as your reality. If you are ready to go within, to ask the right questions, to see the truth, and to take full responsibility for your life and your future, these are the oracle cards for you. Originally an app with 400,000 downloads, now a physical deck. Visit

Kelly T. Smith

My name is Kelly T Smith and I am honored to have you visit my website. The truth is life has not been a cakewalk for me, no silver platter ever showed up with all the answers to my prayers lined up just waiting for me to indulge. I have spent most of my life trying to understand who I am, what I want, and what is most important to me. Until recently I was on a journey of trying to fix myself, until one day I realized that if I was always trying to fix myself, I would always need to be fixed. ​ I believe the answers to all your problems are in one place, one beautiful place that is often ignored or misunderstood and that place is inside of you. You have the answers, you hold the key and you are the only person that can change your life. My job is to introduce you to the one person that can help you, meet YOU! When you wake up to the truth, the truth that there are no magic pills, no guru that will have all the answers, no program that can make you whole, no book that will tell you what you are supposed to be when you grow up, you will finally be ready & I will be waiting here, ready to be your guide, to introduce you to all your potential, to all of your genius and together we will tear down all of your walls, all of your untruths and allow your true self to be revealed. ​ When you stop running from yourself, stop blaming others and begin to accept yourself and love yourself unconditionally, miracles happen. I believe that we all have something unique and special to offer the world, but only if we come from a place of authenticity. For me, I have spent my whole life looking outside for the answers, for others approval, for that one thing that would finally make my life right, and I found it inside of me. As you learn more about my work, you will learn that I am a very spiritual person; I work with spirit, Guides and Angels as I tune into your unique situation to help you on your journey, but the truth is, and you will soon see, the answers have been with you all along. You get to choose when it is time to acknowledge yourself for who you really are, when you make the choice that it is time to move forward only then will you see movement. Many Blessings, Love & Light Kelly T. Smith

Agence Schweiger