Open to Life


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Audio CD


A guided audio program for cultivating love as an essential ability for facing uncertainty, loss, and emotional tumult.

When we’re confronted with crisis, what inner strength helps us the most? Courage? Self-control? Sheer determination?

Many of us, reflects Sharon Salzberg, might be surprised to discover that in times of need, our most powerful ally is love.

“Love, of course, is an emotion,” she says, “but love is also an ability.” Open to Life invites us to cultivate this quiet strength in support of ourselves and others. Based on her bestselling book Real Love, this audio learning program guides us through six sessions of in-depth teachings, meditations, and practices.

Listeners will join this celebrated meditation teacher to explore: How the inner critic hinders our ability to care for ourselves and how to overcome it, practices to bring greater authenticity and balance to our relationships, how to expand our capacity to love difficult people, how fierce compassion protects us, how love opens us to all of life’s experiences, and more.

When we gather a reservoir of love for ourselves and others, hardships become easier to face, challenges less daunting, and positive events more appreciated and joy-inspiring. Open to Life shows us step by step how to build this essential resource.

This program was originally presented in Tricycle Magazine’s online course Real Love.

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger