My Aboriginal Skin


New Age / Esoterics

Vanessa Escalante

Mama Éditions

Language of origin

A journey of Initiation

Vanessa Escalante first traveled to Australia to film the last aboriginal trackers and found herself in the community of the « Two Snakes Dreams » guardians. This turned out to be the start of a powerful odyssey. In this immersive and intimate testimony, the author reveals the secrets of the world’s oldest culture.

To the question « Why Australia? », Vanessa Escalante answers: « I don’t know, I just followed my instinct. Something indescribable and powerful drove me to tell the stories of stolen lands and oppressed peoples. » Following her instinct, the filmmaker left everything to collect the wisdom of the aboriginal people and recount their fight to keep sacred land threatened by nuclear waste dumping.

Her work has led her to discover aboriginal spirituality, to solve her own inner conflicts and to link art, traditional aboriginal medicine and mediumnity.

She did not know it then, but her journey was to last for four years and nothing has ever been the same for her since: she found love, experienced a mystical and spiritual journey, discovering the mysterious practices she reveals in this book.

Vanessa Escalante

Vanessa Escalante is an author and filmmaker. For over 10 years, she has been traveling through aboriginal Australia to understand ancestral spirituality and wisdom of Nature. With her camera, she deeply immersed into the life of these peoples and tried to protect their heritage.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger