Mother Nature’s Secrets




Garden & Nature

Patrick Baud

Pierre Kerner


Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

216 pages
220 x 260 mm


Hidden Wonders of the World

This magnificent work presents 100 very surprising natural curiosities that are relatively unknown: the panther Chameleon of Madagascar, the multi-coloured spider of Australia, glow-worms of New Zealand, giant fig trees of India, bioluminescent mushrooms of Brazil… A stunning photograph accompanies each description of the species and its way of living. Dive straight in and read this book in one go or dip into it when you please to discover the greatest natural secrets of our planet!

Patrick Baud

Patrick Baud created the website Axolot in 2009 dedicated to amazing natural phenomena and sites. He has his own Youtube channel which counts 370,000 followers and more than 3 million views.

Pierre Kerner

Pierre Kerner is a teacher-researcher of evolutionary genetics at Université Paris Diderot. He is a blogger of “Strange Stuff and Funky Things” and an author of numerous popular science books.

Agence Schweiger