Manual of the autistic person



Bernadette Grosjean

Martin Desseilles

Nader Perroud

Sébastien Weibel

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

224 pages
19 x 24 cm

Autism is a mysterious disorder, which fascinates as much as it frightens, notably because the people who suffer from it seem to be isolated in an inaccessible inner world. The diversity of its manifestations, the difficulty in establishing the origin of its appearance since its description by the child psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943, make this mental disorder a separate condition among other mental disorders.

Bernadette Grosjean

Bernadette Grosjean is a psychia- trist and teaches psychiatry at UCLA (USA)

Martin Desseilles

Martin Desseilles is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and professor at the University of Namur (Belgium).

Nader Perroud

Nader Perroud is a psychiatrist and psy- chotherapist in Geneva (Switzerland).

Sébastien Weibel

Sébastien Weibel is a psy- chiatrist in Mulhouse, France.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger