Maiden to Mother


New Age / Esoterics


Sarah Durham Wilson

Sounds True

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

256 pages
5.25 x 8 inches


Unlocking Our Archetypal Journey into the Mature Feminine

An initiation into wholeness and power for any woman ready to live with authenticity, follow her own path, and feast on the richness of life.

The bridge from Maiden to Mother has been broken. When the goddess culture was stolen and buried, so too were women’s rites of passage, intuitive femininity, and access to their full power.

Now we live in a patriarchal society that infantilizes women, idolizing youthful traits such as beauty and innocence. As many women desperately try to maintain these girlish qualities on the outside, they effectively remain girls on the inside, unable to mature into the Mother archetype.

With Maiden to Mother, Sarah Durham Wilson rebuilds the bridge that has broken, guiding women through a sacred, ancient, and crucial initiation into their full feminine power. Through personal stories, rituals, teachings, and practices, Wilson helps women of all ages heal the Mother Wound and dismantle their internalized patriarchy with its false, constricting standards for the feminine.

Sarah Durham Wilson

Sarah Durham Wilson midwives women from the wounded, patriarchalized feminine across the bridge to the archetypal Mother, or mature feminine. Before her service to the Goddess, she was a rock journalist in New York City, at Rolling Stone and Interview magazine. For more, visit
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger