Macrobiotics for Everyone
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With busy lives and full schedules, North Americans rarely make healthy eating a high priority. In fact, we consume more high-fat foods than any other nation, placing us at risk for serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. But improving your diet is not as difficult or time-consuming as you may think.
In his new handbook ,Macrobiotics for Everyone, author Roger Mason expands upon the Japanese macrobiotic tradition to offer a diet that is not only wholesome, but also creative, delicious, and uncomplicated. Divided into two parts, the book begins with a concise history of the macrobiotic lifestyle. Part Two concentrates on simple ways for Americans to incorporate macrobiotics—including meditation—in their lives. Reader-friendly charts provide basic nutrition facts on the healthiest foods. In Macrobiotics for Everyone, you will learn the easiest yet most effective ways to achieve wellness.