Macrobiotics for Everyone



Roger Mason

Square One Publishers

Language of origin

Infos :

6.0 X 9.0 in
128 pages

With busy lives and full schedules, North Americans rarely make healthy eating a high priority. In fact, we consume more high-fat foods than any other nation, placing us at risk for serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. But improving your diet is not as difficult or time-consuming as you may think.

In his new handbook ,Macrobiotics for Everyone, author Roger Mason expands upon the Japanese macrobiotic tradition to offer a diet that is not only wholesome, but also creative, delicious, and uncomplicated. Divided into two parts, the book begins with a concise history of the macrobiotic lifestyle. Part Two concentrates on simple ways for Americans to incorporate macrobiotics—including meditation—in their lives. Reader-friendly charts provide basic nutrition facts on the healthiest foods. In Macrobiotics for Everyone, you will learn the easiest yet most effective ways to achieve wellness.

Roger Mason

Roger Mason is an internationally known research chemist who studies natural health and life extension. He develops unique natural supplements and products, and has written several best-selling titles, including The Natural Diabetes Cure and Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. A frequent guest speaker on radio stations across the country, Mr. Mason advocates natural alternatives to drug therapies.

Agence Schweiger