Little Pill, Big Trouble



Isabel Morelli

Mankau Verlag

Language of origin

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Infos :

191 pages
Softcover with gatefolds

How hormones make you sick Recover from the pill and use hormone-free contraception

• Big topic “natural contraception”

• From a networked author and well-known blogger who was directly affected herself

For more than 50 years now, the “pill” has been one of the most widely used birth control methods. For just as long, however, have there been discussions of the unpleasant or even harmful side effects of hormonal contraception. Women of all ages complain of mood swings, depression, panic attacks, weight gain or hair loss – they were never informed about what this contraceptive does to their body, how it upsets their natural hormonal balance and can affect their thyroid, liver or bowel. Therefore, their desire to avoid the pill is more than understandable.

In her successful blog, Isabel Morelli has already helped many women who had problems with their hormone-based contraceptive. Her guidebook uses current study results and interesting user reports to shed light on the lively discussion about this controversial method of contraception. Isabel Morelli answers your questions and encourages you to turn to gentler alternatives:

•All you need to know about the pill: How does hormonal contraception affect a woman’s body and her menstrual cycle? What side effects can occur and why? And why hasn’t anyone bothered to tell me about it before?!

• Kiss that pill goodbye: How do you come off the pill? And how can you help your body to recover from it?

• Your post-pill love life: What safe and hormone-free contraception can you use in the future?

A book for all women who finally want to take responsibility for their own health.

Isabel Morelli

She is an author, trained dietician and health consul- tant, and founder of the blog. Since 2015, she has been writing about women's health, especially hormonal complaints related to the contraceptive pill. She explains its side effects and about which links exist between the various symptoms. She came to her vocation through her own medical his- tory, in which the early prescription of the contraceptive pill played a major role.

Agence Schweiger