Learning to see


Illlustrated Albums

Social Sciences

Estelle Zhong Mengual

Actes Sud

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

16.5 × 22.5 cm
256 pages
28 color illustrations softback


The living perspective

In a manner similar to Baptiste Morizot’s application of philosophy and the natural sciences to daily life, so Estelle Zhong Mengual gathers together contemporary theories of art history and naturalism to discover fresh perspectives on the living. Her current research looks at the relationship that art, the past and present, have with the living world. She has set out to elaborate an environmental history of art which offers a new take on the representation of the living in art, which traditionally deprives life of meaning – nature as décor – or projects narrow human interpretations – nature as symbol.

Constantly toing and froing between the swarming outside world and silent museum galleries, Apprendre à voir offers a surprisingly fruitful way of viewing some of art history’s most emblematic works which will revolutionize our perspective of the all-too- often ignored living world around us. Apprendre à voir generates new ways of writing art history and our being in the world, based on living among the living.

Apprendre à voir is a scholarly but always accessible work. When, for example, the author shares her emotions before a flower or a chickadee, the work becomes a fascinating personal journey. At other times it is a guide book blurring the boundaries between museums and forests, a vademecum we will always want at hand to refresh our relationship between art and nature, revise our sense of wonder, and intensify our presence in the world.

Estelle Zhong Mengual

An art historian, Estelle Zhong Mengual holds the “Inhabiting the landscape, art and its encounter with the living” chair. After completing her doctorate at Sciences-po Paris, she now lectures on the school’s Experimentation in Art and Politics masters (speap) created by Bruno Latour. She has already published L’Art en commun. Réinventer les formes du collectif en contexte démocratique (Les Presses du réel, 2019) and Esthétique de la rencontre. L’énigme de l’art contemporain, co-written with Baptiste Morizot (Seuil, 2018).

Agence Schweiger