How to thrive in hard times



Stephen Fulder

Watkins Nourish

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

302 pp
PB 216x135mm

A Buddhist Manual

Written by a well-known Palestine–Israel peace negotiator and spiritual teacher, this uniquely practical and accessible guide shows how magical, rich and fulfilled life can be, even in the very troubled times we face today, when we act according to Buddhist principles. It reveals that Buddhist ideas about compassion, joy, detachment and liberation are radical and life-changing, and relevant to readers of all faiths and none.

The 50 essays cover every aspect of modern life, from the mundane to the spiritual, from how to be fulfilled at work and how to relate to money, to what mindfulness really means, how to find the magic of the moment, how to age wisely, how to be friends with your

own body, how to step off the treadmill of daily life … and much more. This book will enable you to put down the burdens of anxiety, joylessness, restlessness and a judging mind, and be happy.


Stephen Fulder

STEPHEN FULDER is one of Israel’s leading spiritual teachers, drawing on 40 years of deep personal experience of meditation and dharma practice. He has guided thousands of people in exploring Buddhist teachings and meditation.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger