Fibromyalgia. A Pocket Guide



Eberhard J. Wormer

Mankau Verlag

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Infos :

Softcover with gatefolds

How to overcome chronic pain successfully

• Many millions of sufferers
• Customized therapeutic programmes and self-help concepts

The enigmatic pain disease fibromyalgia raises a lot of questions for those affected: Why me of all people? What causes this agonizing pain? Why this anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue and worn-down feeling? Why won’t people believe me? Why are many doctor so helpless in the face of this disease? How am I supposed to cope with everyday life, work and family? Is there a way out of the maze of pain and ailments? What really helps?

This pocket guide provides a concise introduction to the current knowledge on fibromyalgia and answers the most important questions. It provides information about symptoms and possible causes and explains how fibromyalgia can be diagnosed and treated. Moreover, you will find a list of therapy and self-help programmes which will contribute to overcoming the chronic pain disorder, questionnaires and checklists as well as the most important contact addresses in the information service section.

Eberhard J. Wormer

He studied German, history, social sciences and medicine. After his licensure and doctorate he worked as a doctor and in medical publishing houses. Dr. Wormer lives in Munich and today works as a journalist, author and editor. His preferred fields of work are guide-books and manuals, encyclopedias and specialized publications on the topics of medicine, health, natural sciences, history of medicine and biographies. He has already published numerous health guides for an audience of millions, focusing on topics such as cardiovascular, psychological, nutrition, naturopathy, healthy exercise and pain.

Agence Schweiger