Feel better, no matter what



Michael James

Watkins Nourish

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

192 pages
PB 216x135mm

A 4-Week Course to Love the Life You Have Right Now

How can you be OK when you’re not? How can you deal with intense emotions that get in the way of enjoying life, such as jealousy, insecurity and loneliness? There’s plenty of talk about the need for self-love and “creating your reality” but so often this just doesn’t work out the way we hope. Here is an approach that really works – because it’s about feeling better rather than being better. Step-by-step, this 4-week course offering Michael James’s unique coaching techniques teaches you to free yourself from intrusive thoughts and challenging emotions, so you can step out bravely into the world, not caring so much what others think.

Michael James

Michael James is a life coach and personal development speaker who has helped thousands of people through his coaching, workshops and appearances at events such as the London Mind Body Spirit Festival. He is the co-founder of the Law of Attraction Centre. Find out more at: www.michaeljames.be

Agence Schweiger