Fascial Training



Sports and Martial Arts

Frank Thömmes

Copress - Stiebner

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

192 pages

Fascias are known to be more than only the packaging of our muscles. They play a big role in health training and physical training. If it is your tennis serve, the right golf swing or a healthy back they are supporting and working with your muscles in every move you make. But here is the good news: you can train your fascias like you train your muscles. This easy to learn method has positive effects in your daily training routine as well as in serious sports and in physical rehabilitation and prevention.

If you want to achieve a pain free back or physical top performances fascial training helps to train your body in the way you want and to prevent you from injuries.

Frank Thömmes

Frank ThÖmmes is a graduate sports teacher, has a variety of trainer and additional therapeutic qualifications and is internationally active as a speaker on the subject of BeBalanced!, functional and athlete training with physio tools. His most recent works include "fascial training" and "sling training".

Agence Schweiger