Eat Real to Heal




Nicolette RIcher


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Infos :

Trim size 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 224

  • New edition of Eat Real to Heal (2018) which sold over 10,000 copies.
  • 30% new material.
  • Fortify your Immune System with a vegan diet.
  • Food is the Best Medicine.
  • Based on the popular Gerson Diet.

“Richer shares her passion for wellness through simple, pure, organic, plant-based nutrition and a back-to-basics lifestyle.” —Katherine Fawcett, author of The Swan Suit

This is a revolutionary approach that posits that food is the best medicine. The right diet

can be the ultimate antidote to chronic disease.

If you want to feel active, clear-minded. and strong enough to fight off disease, it all

starts with the food you put into your body. Eat Real to Heal shows you the organic,

plant-based foods you should be eating. Focusing on diet, nutrition, and meditation, this

book teaches you how to power up your immune system and give yourself the best

possible chance at beating chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, acne, psoriasis,

fibromyalgia, and even cancer.

Eat Real to Heal shows you how to create and follow a meal plan that utilizes nutritious,

vegan recipes, made with pure and organic ingredients, that are quick, easy, and

delicious! Also, learn about juicing, managing stress, detoxifying your home, breathing

exercises and yoga that connect you with your body, and the Gerson Therapy.

Eat Real to Heal will teach you how to:

  • Upgrade your eating habits and your lifestyle.
  • Flood your body with nutrients and detoxify your system.
  • Boost your immune system and turn your body into a disease-fightingmachine.

Nicolette RIcher

Nicolette Richer is an Orthomolecular Health Educator, Gerson Therapy Home Set Up Trainer, and Psych-Kinaesthetic Facilitator. Her education includes a MA in Environmental Education and Communication and a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies and a certificate in Sustainable Community...

Agence Schweiger