Easy healthy meals with high protein foods




Dalía Ramos

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Paperback and flaps
Format: 15,5×22
Pages: 186 (color)

Have you decided to avoid animal-based products in your diet? Or, do you want to reduce its products and eat healthier? Do you have an active lifestyle or practise any sport? In that case, maybe one question come up to your mind, where can I get proteins? In this book, you will find recipes for 50 high protein vegan meals, so that you don’t lose your inspiration. Furthermore, you are going to discover what proteins are and essential amino acids, recommended daily amounts and how to combine different protein groups so as to get complete ones.

Dalía Ramos shows you how to organize and plan weekly meals, buy the ingredients and prepare your 100% plant-based recipes. They are high-protein, easy, healthy and plenty of flavour.

Dalía Ramos

Dalía Ramos was born and lives in Huelva, Spain. She studied journalism at Seville's University. She loves social media, nature, travelling and discovering new places. In 2014, she started posting healthy recipes through her blog and social media. Some years later, she read a book which made her decide to become vegan. In her Instagram and TikTok profiles, she shares information about Veganism.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger