
Illlustrated Albums

Thomas Pesquet

Éditions Michel Lafon

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

320 pages
160 pictures
Format 285 x 365
4 color illustrations Bound
Dust jacket

A rare and beautiful photography book of the Earth from Space, taken during astronaut Thomas Pesquet’s 6-month expedition on the European Space station. TERREs invites us to the show: whether pictures of natural wonders or man-made phenomena, all are magnificent and mesmerizing.

Thomas Pesquet

Born in Rouen in 1978, Thomas Pesquet is a French aerospace engineer, pilot and the youngest European Space Agency astronaut to date. After training for more than seven years, he was selected for a six-month mission on the International Space Station, from November 2016 to June 2017.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger