Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense SUN Health Guide



Lani Simpson

Basic Health


Language of origin


The Truth About Vitamin D, Skin Cancer, Sunscreens, and Sensible Sun Exposure

In her newest book, Dr. Lani Simpson provides readers with no-nonsense, easy-to-understand advice about the sun and how our bodies react to sun exposure. This go-to-guide for all members of the family includes: practical information about how to obtain vitamin D from the sun safely, how to protect yourself and your family from sunburns and how to find safe SPF products and apply them properly. This book examines how our ancestors worshipped the sun and how those beliefs shaped our modern relationship with the sun. Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense Sun Health Guide advocates for a conscious and respectful relationship with the sun.

The sun is now listed as a carcinogen – this is true, however there are hundreds of conditions that have been associated with vitamin D deficiency – multiple cancers, hormone imbalance (PMS), bone loss and osteoporosis to multiple sclerosis. So how do we get the the vitamins and nutrients we need from the sun without damaging our health? Is taking a vitamin D supplement the answer? If so how much? These questions and many more are addressed in Dr. Lani’s No-nonsense Sun Health Guide.

Lani Simpson

Dr. Lani Simpson is a chiropractic doctor and a Certified Clinical (bone) Densitometrist (CCD). She has praticed in women’s health care for 25 years, treating thousands of patients with a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. An expert in bone density aanalysis, osteoporosis and hormone balancing, she cofounded the East Bay Menopause and PMS Center and the Osteoporosis Diagnostic Center in Oakland, CA. Dr. Lani has a private practice in Berkeley, CA, where she consults with both women and men on bone health and hormone related issues. Dr. Lani’s personal experience with osteoporosis began in 1994, when, at the age of 45, she was diagnosed with borderline osteoporosis. That diagnosis impelled her to learn everything she could about the disease, and about cultivating optimal bone health. She shares her years of research, and her expertiese as a CCD, with her patients, and now her readers in her new book Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide.

Agence Schweiger