Conversations with Trees


New Age / Esoterics

Weronika Dąbrowska

Language of origin

It is a reading that changes views and stereotypes about nature, especially about trees. We have known it for a long time that plants feel. It is nothing new, that some people cuddle up to trees in the forest and talk to its flowers in their garden or at home. However, what the author writes about trees exceeds the wildest expectations. The trees have given her knowledge about our planet, share the memory of our roots, and above all, they heal us. Every tree has its properties, every tree possesses knowledge and gifts that it is willing to submit to a man. If he wants to accept these gifts, he must first believe, that this is possible.Trees teach and protect us.They love us even now when we as mankind don’t take them into account seriously, flooding the Earth with concrete building blocks. It is reading full of warmth and love, like the author herself, who took on the task of contacting us with a world so different from our own. The book teaches us how to make friends with trees, how to open ourselves up to the possibility of their healing powers.

The knowledge contained in this book lets the reader arrange one more puzzle in a big multi-dimensional connection of human with the world of minerals, plants, animals, souls and all Universe.

In this book, several trees have been described in regards to their role on Earth and how directly they can help us. The position of trees has been raised to the luminous plants, similar to the ones in “Avatar” movie where at night they were shining brilliantly, and for a man in need, it was possible to head for to a holy tree, the tree of souls, for a counsel, or to ask for help.

Few practical tips, how to profit from benefits of trees:
● There are a few elementary rules of conscious touching of trees
● Young trees should not be touched because human bodies are too toxic for them and could cause sickness [disease].
● Trees without leaves should not be touched in winter because at that time they sleep. Waking up could harm them and fasten vegetation and florescence.
● Trees should be hugged through touching and embracing, in which the most important are hands and feet.

The book represents foundations to enter into the magic world of trees. The Author describes many trees and their role in human life via this magic novel.

Weronika Dąbrowska

Architect, landscape designer, author of the book of talking to trees.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger