Aromatherapy and subtle energy techniques



Joni Keim


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Pages 214

Compassionate Healing with Essential Oils

Aromatherapy & Subtle Energy Tech- niques combines two forms of healing, aromatherapy and subtle energy therapy for self-help and to help others. Aroma- therapy and subtle energy therapy each effectively stands alone in its therapeutic ability, but they are extraordinary when used together.

Included in the book is a comprehensive list of 55 essential oils and their subtle energy properties, basic subtle energy techniques, and techniques for common issues such as headaches. The techniques are simple, safe, and effective. For lay people and professionals.

Joni Keim

Joni Keim has worked in the alternative health field for over 30 years as a practitioner, educator, consultant, and author. She has certificates in aromatherapy, wholistic health sciences, massage, nutrition, flower essence therapy, therapeutic touch, and energy healing. Joni is a consultant for the natural product and well- ness industries. She specializes in integrating alternative therapies into lifestyle and wellness programs.

Agence Schweiger