185 energy treatment cards



Tarots & Oracles

Luc Bodin

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

184 pages
148 x 182 mm

Healing without devices and medication

It contains all the techniques used by Luc Bodin for over 20 years. These have been refined, developed, perfected and increased over time to obtain the best results. They allow for the treatment of both physical and psychological problems while helping to find (or continue) one’s path in life.

These 184 cards are oriented towards practice. They explain, from beginning to end, all the techniques used during an energy treatment. The explanations are easy to follow thanks to many photos and illustrations.

These cards can also be used during a treatment. You just have to take the card corresponding to the technique and place it next to the patient as a reminder.

A CD is included with this set. It contains various pieces of music that reinforce some of the therapists’ actions such as the cleansing of bad energies, the opening of the chakras, the energetic recharging, the call to the Guides, etc.

Key selling points:

Very practical cards on energy healing: new and powerful.

Luc Bodin, is a referent, best-selling  and a legitimate author.

Already 6,500 copies sold since February 2021

Luc Bodin

LUC BODIN is a medical doctor, a graduate in clinical cancer and a specialist in natural medicine. He is also a lecturer, scien�fic advisor and author of many successful books, including “Healing with Energy” (15,000 copies), “New Ho'oponopono”, “The AORA method” (11,000 copies). He also organises internships.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger