Book Publishing Company

Book Publishing Company (BPC) is a community-owned press dedicated to publishing books that promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We’re part of The Farm, an intentional community located in Summertown, Tennessee, and have been in business since 1974. Early publications represented The Farm’s core beliefs and culture. Spiritual Midwifery (1975) by Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives was instrumental in spearheading the natural birth movement in the United States. The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook (1978) by Louise Hagler was the first completely vegan cookbook ever published in the U.S.. During the company’s first decade, our releases consisted of additional vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, such as Tofu Cookery and Tempeh Cookery, along with books on Stephen Gaskin’s teachings, natural birth control, and the dangers of nuclear energy. We also published the blockbuster hit The Big Dummy’s Guide to CB Radio by Albert Houston

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Agence Schweiger