Wolf girl




Doniga Markegard

Uphill Books

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

264 pages


A young environmentalist’s coming- of-age story about learning, discovery, and survival, Wolf Girl takes readers on the author’s journey from wilderness immersion school, to hitchhiking across the Pacific Northwest and tracking wolves in Alaska, to becoming a regenerative rancher. Perfect for teens who are concerned about the planet, suggesting that nature holds the wisdom we need to solve our environmental crisis.

Doniga Markegard

Doniga has a background in nature and permaculture. This has given her a perspective on the real risks that we are facing as a species. In her youth she was mentored by some of the leading wildlife trackers, naturalists and Native spiritual elders. She spent years alone and with a small group of passionate youth in the Western Washington Wilderness learning the ways of the ancestors, immersing in nature, bird language, survival skills and wildlife tracking. ​ Along with her husband and four children, Doniga owns and operates Markegard Family Grass-Fed LLC raising grass-fed beef, lamb, pastured pork, chicken and dairy supplying the Bay Area with local, nutrient dense foods. The family ranch leases land through out the Bay Area spanning over 10,000 acres. ​ She is dedicated to finding ways to regenerate lands and community through ranching practices that build soil, sequester carbon, capture and purify water and enhance habitat.

Agence Schweiger