Understanding and Caring for Online Connective Persons



Frédéric Tordo

Serge Tisseron


Language of origin

Infos :

288 pages
170 x 240 mm

Cyberpsychology is a recent discipline that studies the psy- chic processes related to our activities in cyberspace. The first part of the book aims to help us understand its fun- damental theories and concepts and the main elements of metapsychology (relationship to images, to technological ob- jects, to virtual reality, to the connected man, to the transfor- med man, etc.). The second part deals with the psychopatho- logical problems of the «connected man»: digital addiction, cyberviolence, cyber harassment, the hikikomori pheno- menon (social withdrawal), cyber sexuality, etc). Finally, the third part describes the different forms of psychotherapy – or cyberpsychotherapies – that use technology: online consul- tations, psychotherapy with video games and robots, use of virtual reality, etc.The reader will find in this book the keys to:- understanding the upheavals of psychic processes in the age of hypermodern technologies;- understanding the pa- thologies linked to the upheavals of these technologies;- im- plementing specific treatments with the help of technology.

Frédéric Tordo

Frédéric Tordo is head teacher and co-founder of the University Diploma «Cyberpsychology», Université de Paris-Diderot since 2018. He is a clinical psychologist, a psychoanalyst, a doctor in clinical psychology, an associate researcher at CRPMS, Université Paris VII Denis Diderot, and founding member of the L’Institut pour l’Etude des Relations Hommes-Robots (IERHR).He is the author of numerous books and articles.

Serge Tisseron

Serge Tisseron is Director of Research at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre since 2003. He is a psychiatrist, a Member of the Academy of Technology, a Doctor of Psychology overseeing research in Clinical Human Sciences, a Member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre for Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society at the Université Paris VII Denis Diderot. He is head teacher and co-founder of the University Diploma «Cyberpsychology», Université de Paris-Diderot since 2018. He is the author of more than 40 books and numerous articles.

Agence Schweiger