The Prime-Time Burglars


Children's Books

David Cole


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Infos :

Trim Size: 8.5in x 5.5in
Page Count: 121
Age: 8 – 10

Jordan and Justin are best friends and the only two kids in their class’s advanced math group. So it isn’t until Stephanie Lewis marches into their classroom that they meet someone who’s as good with numbers as they are. Their shared interest in math quickly draws them together, and the three soon form The Math Kids. Unfortunately, life as math club kids isn’t always easy. In addition to extra homework, the three friends have two new problems. First, a string of mysterious burglaries has the whole neighbourhood on edge, including their parents. Then, they manage to earn unwanted attention from Robbie, the class bully. Luckily, Jordan, Justin, and Stephanie soon learn that their new club may give them the skills they need to solve both problems. The Math Kids The Prime-Time Burglars is the first book in the series

David Cole

David Cole David Cole has been interested in math since he was a very young boy. He pursued degrees in math and computer science and has shared this love of math at many levels, including teaching at the college level, coaching elementary math teams, and running a summer math camp. He also has a love of writing and has written a number of plays that have been performed. The Math Kids was born of a desire to combine his interests and exercise both sides of his brain at the same time.

Agence Schweiger