The Adventurer’s Handbook


Garden & Nature



Mike Horn

Éditions Michel Lafon

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

192 pages

Lessons and tips from 30 years of ground-breaking expeditions : let professional explorer Mike Horn be your coach.

This richly illustrated guide is a tool for modern- day adventurers and lovers of extreme challenges in the wild. A thoroughly practical tool, it covers the major steps of an exploration, from start to finish, for those who wish to launch themselves.

It covers mental, physical and material preparation as well as useful skills and tips on the road and keys to survive in the most extreme situations: learning how to find water and food, dealing with complicated weather, finding one’s way around, finding shelter…

Mike Horn

Extreme adventurer, high level sportsman and inveterate dreamer, Mike Horn has made a name for himself through his numerous impressive exploits. From swimming down the Amazon River, to circling the globe along the equator, to walking along the Arctic Circle, Mike Horn has met every challenge with panache. His books have sold 1 million copies and have been translated in 10 languages.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger