Tarot for kids



Children's Books

Theresa Reed

Sounds True

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Publication date

Infos :

Card Deck (78)
96-page guidebook

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Welcome to Tarot for Kids, the perfect deck and traditional Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck and guidebook for readers aged 8 to 12. Based on the illustrated with the lush, vibrant art of Kailey traditional Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck and Whitman, the 78 cards represent a diverse array illustrated with the lush, vibrant art of Kailey Whitman, the 78 cards represent a diverse array modified for this age group—for example, the of children and settings. (Some cards have been “death” card is “change,” and the “lovers” card is modified for this age group—for example, the “friends.”) “death” card is “change,” and the “lovers” card is “friends.”).

Tarot is a great resource for advice, decision- avoiding drama, creative thinking, and more. The making, understanding how to help someone, guidebook includes a brief history of tarot, card avoiding drama, creative thinking, and more. The meanings, and instructions on how to give guidebook includes a brief history of tarot, card readings. It will help kids with everything from meanings, and instructions on how to give setting goals and building friendships, to learning readings. It will help kids with everything from setting goals and building friendships, to learning it’s a lot of fun! to adjust an attitude or trust their intuition. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!


Theresa Reed

Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, has been an multiple books on tarot and the host of Tarot intuitive reader for 30 years. She’s the author of Bytes, a podcast for tarot enthusiasts. Learn multiple books on tarot and the host of Tarot more at thetarotlady.com. Bytes, a podcast for tarot enthusiasts. Learn more at thetarotlady.com.

Agence Schweiger