Paper objects, home decor DIY



Laure Farion

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

144 pages
21 x 26 cm

A pretty guide to learn how to create papercraft objects for your home. Each DIY enables the reader to learn a new technique and revist an everyday ob- ject, such as a bed headboard, a hanger, a vase, a teapot, a frame, a mirror, etc. The book is divided according to different rooms: kitchen, living-room, bedroom, corridor, garden/balcony.

Laure Farion

Laure Farion has always been surrounded by paper. She was an arts tea- cher. She launched her brand «papierpapierpapier» in 2017 and creates pa- per objects for scenography, showcases, photoshoots, etc
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger